
64 results

What the caretaker gov’t did - and where it faltered

What the caretaker gov’t did - and where it faltered

Stefan Yanev’s first cabinet exposed many of the previous administration’s flawed practices but failed to fix many of them

The Week: A foreign investor leaves, a new government might enter, Russians lent us money to pay them

The Week: A foreign investor leaves, a new government might enter, Russians lent us money to pay them

K Insights 30/07: Delta is coming, can you crush a hedgehog with bare ass

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

Also: New Parliament is up, as well as the new 12 bn. Leva Plan

Elections 2021, volume 2: Trifonov finally proposes a cabinet (and a Bulgarian-N.Macedonian Space Mission)

Elections 2021, volume 2: Trifonov finally proposes a cabinet (and a Bulgarian-N.Macedonian Space Mission)

With GERB and There is such a people running neck and neck, the showman nominates Simeon II acolyte Nickolay Vassilev for Prime Minister and spurns coalition

Articles about the ex-PM get marked as malicious content on Facebook

Articles about the ex-PM get marked as malicious content on Facebook

Users of the large news website complain about possible troll attack on the eve of July poll

A month without Borissov: something is rotten in the state of Bulgaria

A month without Borissov: something is rotten in the state of Bulgaria

State bank funding oligarchs, state firms funnelling billions into cartels and secret services loyal to the party rather than the state - these are just part of GERB’s corrupt legacy

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

The troubles of being a journalist in Bulgaria, every final decision is penultimate and who are the ladybirds of the administration